Step 1: Invite the Bot to Your Discord Server

Click the link below to invite the Auto Translation Bot to your Discord server:

Invite the Auto Translation Bot

Make sure you have the necessary permissions to add bots to your server.

Step 2: Set the API Key

To start using the translation features, you need to set the API key for the bot. The API key is essential for the bot to connect to the translation service.

!setapikey your-api-key-here

Step 3: Configure Channel Permissions

You can control which channels the bot is allowed to speak in by using the !setperm command. By default, the bot will be allowed to speak in all channels.

!setperm allow 123456789012345678 
                    !setperm ignore 123456789012345678

Note: Replace 123456789012345678 with your channel ID.

Step 4: Set the Target Languages

Use the !setlang command to specify the languages you want the bot to translate into. You can specify one or multiple languages by separating them with commas.

!setlang en,de,nl,fr,es

Commands Overview


Sets the API key required for translation services.


Controls in which channels the bot is allowed or ignored. Replace channelid with the actual channel ID.


Defines the languages for translation. Specify one or multiple languages separated by commas.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team or check our documentation.
